Berwick Weaving Co.

I started weaving in the early Fall of  2013.  A little over a year later, at the very tag end of 2014, it became clear to me that this weaving business I that has been consuming my time and energy should become, well… a weaving business. 

hand/weavingBerwick Weaving Co. was born.

When I started weaving, it was an instant connection for me. I see over and over again in other weavers’ blogs this same sort of… kismet with the craft. Perhaps it’s like that when anyone finds something they love – quilting, or painting, or algebra. For me, it started even before I actually got my hands on a loom – it was the idea of weaving. I saw looms in use and could have watched for hours. I could feel myself learning as I watched. It felt familiar, and new all at once.

I want everyone to have that feeling. Go out, find something that makes you tick. I swear it’s worth it.

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FYI: that amazing ring on my finger is a family ring, gifted to me by my children, and created by the gifted Joe and Gudi Pach at TerraBijou in their studio in Ratter Corner, New Brunswick.

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